Keep Australia Beautiful Tasmania

Sustainable Communities - Tidy Towns Awards

2024 Applications Open Soon

Western Australia finalist, Gascoyne Junction was announced as the Overall Winner in 2023.

2024 Entries Open Soon

The 2024 Keep Australia Beautiful Awards will open soon. All cities, towns and villages in Tasmania are eligible to enter. The winners will be announced at a function hosted by last year's winner at Bridgewater later this year.

The Tasmanian state judge will visit your town to judge your entry.

Entry is easy. Use the online form on this page (coming soon) or contact KABTas to register your interest. 

Once your entry has been received, a KABTas team member will be in touch to discuss the details of your entry and arrange a suitable time to visit.

Bridgewater was named Tasmanian Overall Winner for 2023 and went on to represent Tasmania at the national awards.